Catan cities and knights rules
Catan cities and knights rules

The trade power allows you to turn extra commodities into resources. The science power allows you to ALWAYS get at least one resource every roll unless it is a seven.

catan cities and knights rules

The powers gained from upgrading a section to the third level are really good. With the development flip charts, you can be getting progress cards and leveraging them to make up for not getting good rolls. Sometimes in the red box you just have to sit there and wait for your numbers to get rolled. The progress cards and the knights are just better. The development cards are a thing of the past. I am not saying that the red box alone is bad and not a fun game, but after experiencing the green box it just wont feel the same anymore. After playing with the cities and knights expansions, I have tried to play the base game and it sucked. I honestly believe that this expansion is a MUST HAVE. This can be used to effectively reserve spots for future settlements. You may force a knight of lower strength to give up its spot for your knight. You may also deactivate a knight and move the knight anywhere along your roads. You get to place it on any hex and steal a card as normal. You may deactivate an active knight (flipping it from the yellow side to the grey side) and scare off the thief if he is in an adjacent hex. Inactive knights will be considered as zero strength. The knights must be activated in order to add any strength against the barbarians. The barbarians strength is equal to the number of cities on the map. The knights strength can be used to repel barbarians.


You must build a level one knight and upgrade it if you want stronger knights. This is indicated by the number of rings on the knight piece. The level three knight gives three strength. each knight has a strength associated with it. a knight is placed on the corner of a hex without a settlement/city and connected to one of your roads. With three walls you can safely hold a whopping 12 resource cards! With the removal of the development cards, you can now just build knights. With one wall you can safely hold 8 cards, nine will be at risk of the thief stealing half of your resources. The benefit of the city walls is that you increase you hand limit of resources by two for each city wall before the thief will attack. If the city gets pillaged to a settlement, the city walls are destroyed. A city wall costs two brick and must be placed under a city. The new things you can build are city walls and knights. You place it over one of you cities giving you 2 VP and making it immune to the barbarians. Also, when you upgrade a section to the fourth level, you get to place a golden arch (called a metropolis).

catan cities and knights rules

The science ability gives you a resource of your choice if you didn’t receive one from the regular roll and a 7 wasn’t rolled. Once a section is upgraded a third time, you get a special ability. The science section has been upgraded three times. This means that when the special die rolls a blue castle and the red die shows a 1 or a 2, you may draw a blue progress card (explained in a later section). Below the church requirements, you see a blue castle and a red 1 and 2. It now requires two coins to build a church to upgrade it farther. For example in the image above, the politics section has been upgraded once.

catan cities and knights rules

Once a card is flipped, you get access to progress cards of the indicated color. For example in the image above, for the trade section you may build the Market for 1 cloth.

catan cities and knights rules

By paying the commodity cost at the bottom, you may flip the top card. The bluish purple is the politics sections. The yellowish green is the trade section. The other addition is the colored sections along with the commodity costs at the bottom of each one. You may notice that it says you can build ships as well however this comes from the blue expansion “Catan Seafarers”. You can now build city walls and knights explained in a later section. It has all of the original building costs as well as a few new things. This development flip chart replaces the old building cost tiles.

Catan cities and knights rules