If you decide to take this playthrough stealthily by not killing any hostiles (bosses included) or raising any alarms, you will unlock " Pacifist" and " Foxiest of the Hounds" at the end, in addition to " We Are Human Beings" for simply completing the game on any difficulty.
#Deus ex mankind divided walkthrough full
Your first playthrough of the game should focus on full exploration of Prague and, by extension, completing all of the side missions along the way.
Whether you're a fan of sneaking around or taking on the opposition lethally, there's a little something for everyone in Mankind Divided. There are fifty achievements in this game, nearly all of which are completely missable. A narrative filled of conspiracy and deceit, Mankind Divided offers a ten to twelve hour story accompanied by nearly a dozen, well-crafted side missions that have Jensen moving rapidly throughout the city, stopping cultists, solving murder cases, shutting down a major drug operation and more. Set two years after the events of Human Revolution and the Aug Incident, Deus Ex: Mankind Divided follows the gruffly Adam Jensen through Prague as he works towards uncovering a new threat posed by a radical group of augmented terrorists. Unobtainable/glitched achievements: None Does difficulty affect achievements: Yes, for "I Never Asked For This" Minimum number of playthroughs needed: 2
Approximate amount of time to 1000 : 35-50 Hours
Smash the breakable vent cover on your right and follow the duct behind it to reach the elevator to Koller's workshop.- Estimated achievement difficulty: 5/10. Use your cloaking aug to avoid being spotted as you drop down into the warehouse, then make your way into the small locker room in the back and climb into the vents. Continue along the window sills and ledges until you can jump down to the roof of the single-story warehouse below. Move across the top of the archway ahead of you and keep to the right. Enter the apartment from the balcony and climb through the ventilation ducts to reach the rooftops above the Time Machine bookstore. Leap across the window sills and rooftops until you reach the balcony of the pink apartment building across from you. Upon reaching the plaza between the stone archways (with the large boulder suspended above it), jump onto the top of the arch above the check point by climbing onto the scissor lift nearby. Instead of bothering with the Golden Ticket side quest involving a forgery ring and avoid messy shootouts in the middle of Prague, here's the fastest route to Koller's workshop: Use the keycard and it will unlock a secret door to the right of the bar, leading through the kitchens to Brown's VIP Room. If you defeat Marchenko first, go to the second floor of the Exhibition Hall to a bar area, and carefully avoid the mines to look behind the counter for a hidden button under the counter. If you go to Nathaniel Brown first, look at your minimap or Smart Vision to find an adjacent room, and look for a false wall that opens a door to the kitchen, letting you walk a few paces from the VIP Rooms to the Exhibition Hall where Marchenko is waiting past a door requiring the Security Stash Keycard. This keycard will unlcock several doors that are otherwise inaccessible, and one in particular is key. Othersiwe, right before the catering room where you find Miller, go past it to find the lone merc sitting at a desk in a small room, and look to the right of the desk for a Security Stash Keycard. As you pass a long observation vent, look on the table next to the vent for the Security Stash Keycard that you can swipe from your vantage point. If you are in the Reception Hall, enter the bathrooms and crawl through a long vent to a room with an operative sitting at a desk. You can obtain a special keycard in a room two different ways.